Monday, June 21, 2010

Why am I in this situation again...

Why am I always stuck in this situation?

The one I don't want to be bothered about is bothering me.

The one that I want to be friends with is blowing different temperatures of air to me to the point that I am totally confused.

I know what people are thinking right now.

It is not those "BGR" things (I swear), but it is one of those complicated friendship problems.

Ah.... why am I stuck with this kind of issues when I am about to hit a quarter of a century! I thought this should be only experienced in teens! And why is it that when complicated friendships comes along, there must be 2 people (excluding me) involved!

Maybe I get myself stuck in this situation. But really, how I know things will come to this!

I much rather be stuck with relationship problems. At least there are self help books out there. No one bothers to write about complicated friendship self help books.

Sian lah. I can't read minds ok, so can God drop a bomb on these 2 people and tell me what they want me to do?

Friends, don't start asking me when you see me in person. I don't even know how to start...

Assholes, idiots, bitches and jerks.

Yup, I guess that sums up what they are to me right now.

ferngrass Loves her Break@10:52 AM | 0 comments