Thursday, August 23, 2007
"You come from a very sweet family. This is one of the reasons why you have things that you can't let go..."
"You have great pride and that is why you can't explore certain things that you want to do. You have too low self-esteem to handle failure..."
Does this correspond to my previous post? That I need to let go of my family and my worries to pursue my dreams? Does it mean that when an opportunity comes, I should just grab it without thinking?
"You are a creative person. New ideas always comes to you. You also have a x-factor, which is why you are most suited in glamour-associated careers. Eg, photographers, modeling, entertainment, events mgt..."
CREATIVE?! I don't know about that... it seems weird for me as I can't even draw for nuts. But I thought of that for some time to go into events management. But entertainment, photography? MODELLING?! Are u kidding?!
But it kinda proves that my choice for major is correct. That marketing should be my primary major and nothing else.
Food for thought.