Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Here's to a new 2009~!

My aunt has just confirmed with me that the name that appeared in one of my retail case is really my uncle... this is like so cool lah, I can actually study about him in school! My aunt said my uncle is very happy about it and it's no brainer. Anyone will be happy about it.

Well, today's the last day of 2008, and so my mum and I cleared most part of my room. And now I can hear my voice echoing when talking in my room! Cool, at least now I don't have to worry that Lucas will start pulling my drawers and take my stuff!

In any sense, I set a few resolutions (this time more vague due to the me being uncertain about my future now) now and I hope I can keep them... I hope this coming new year will bring nothing but good into my life... and maybe bring some certainty in my life... =D

Here's to a new good 2009 to everyone!


ferngrass Loves her Break@10:51 PM | 0 comments