Saturday, September 13, 2008


I guess I got a lot to update these days... I have simply no time to blog!

I was trying to catch up with the US politics these days (and failed miserably because I was so lagging behind so I just read here and there) and something interesting caught my eye. I was watching a documentary when they actually compared the choices of vice president for Obama and McCain... same old story) when I saw some professor said about Palin's views on abortion. She opposes abortion, even in cases of rape... I went like HUH?? I understand being pro-life and everything, but this is like a little extreme to me lah! Can u imagine that poor woman carrying a child in her womb that she absolutely never want to see again??? Even giving that child up after birth for adoption is painful lo! It's like she doesn't want to remember that truma anymore but there is a protuding stomach bearing witness to it! Almakz... I don't even know what to say sia. And can u imagine that poor child?? He/She is better off not knowing how he/ she is being conceived... I thought that Palin as a woman, should have understand a woman's feelings about that...

Sighz. On another subject, I don't understand how come I have so much work! It's like I have been busy since the end of the olympics... which is like worse than any other sems. Haven't really go around applying to jobs, which kinda freaks me out because I don't want to be out of job for many freaking months. But on the other hand, I also don't really know what I want as well... Sighz, been pushing meetings with friends here and there which makes me feel extremely guilty.. SORRY GUYS! Will try to meet up ASAP ok!

Anyway, I was just browsing on the youtube, and just suddenly I went to watch the video of the only greek mp3 song that I have in my entire life... lol... It's called Eisai (or Ise for some other spelling), which means "You Are" in greek. Sung by Anna Vissi, who is like the Greek Madonna in Greece and Cyprus. Heard it during the Athens Olympics at the closing ceremony 4 years ago, this song got everyone dancing and it's actually a nice song!

Here's a video of her during that closing ceremony... And the lyrics...

The full song video...
And the lyrics...

Eisai sto aima,stis flebes
sta kyttara moy
eisai ston aera poy anapnew sti monajia moy

eisai i mera moy
eisai i nyxta moy
eisai to liwma moy
kai ta jenixtia moy
eisai o paradeisos
stis paraisthiseis moy
eisai to karma moy
ki oles oi aisthiseis moy

eisai sto aima,stis flebes...

esy ti zwi moy orizeis
esy to myalo moy trelaineis
esy se ola yparxeis
esy ki as min eisai edo

And there's an english version too... but I think the greek version is better cause somehow this video is a little to beefcake-y for me..

Ok, if u guys want to know what's going on my life, it's been same old same old. Nothing has changed. I have been slogging in school, watching tv shows and such. Planning to watch 溏心風暴2 after my last ever school exam ended with my mum... Anyway, I heard another shocking news. I just found out that one of my old friend whom I knew since k2 (we sort of drifted apart, which is a super long story) and who jul never really liked had gotten married last year and has a baby 5 mths old!


And I am still in school!

I guess this shows that we REALLY drifted apart...

Ok, this post is getting kinda random...


ferngrass Loves her Break@12:25 AM | 0 comments