Monday, September 04, 2006

The Tennis Great Swansong

Andre Agassi (picture source here) retires, and ended his 21 years in tennis.

He played through back pain, and the 36 years old former No 1 still cannot beat the 112th ranked German Benjamin Becker, who is 11 years his junior. He won a number of Grand Slams, US Opens, Australian Opens etc...

In short, he was a great player in Americans' hearts.

I know that I am an absolute greenhorn in tennis and I don't watch tennis matches often. (they just run too long sometimes...) But I always think that when a great athlete retires, it's really sad.

Didn't watch tennis yesterday because I was too hooked up in my novel. Come to think of it, I kinda regret a teeny tiny bit. I should probably stay up to watch Agassi play yesterday..oh well it's over.

He cried after the match, tearful and thankful for the support. It wretches my heart.

There is a time to move on (Go On Andy Roddick!!! But my mum supports Roger Federer....)

But for now, goodbye agassi.

Andre Agassi winced when his backache acts up

Agassi blew a kiss to the crowd

Agassi bowed out his last appearance

Goodbye Andre Agassi...

If interested, can read about him in an article here if lazy to search about him...

P.S. Do you know that Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, has passed away?? He died after a stingray attack. Stingrays don't normally attack people.. Read about him here...

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